Barnesville Junction, Somalia Drive
P.O. Box 1896, 1000 Monrovia, 10 Liberia, West Africa

Children Program Policy 

Introduction and purpose

VEFIL vision is “A better world where children’s dreams come true”. It is a world where every child feels safe and secure. Therefore, VEFIL takes all necessary measures to ensure that the organization, its programs, and employees have the best interests of the child in focus and prevent children from being harmed. Any suspicious or confirmed cases of neglect, violation and abuse are taken seriously and handled according to established procedures and guidelines.

This Child Safeguarding Policy aims to formulate and clarify the principles and approaches that VEFIL applies to prevent children from being maltreated and how the organization acts if any child is harmed in any of VEFIL’S activities. It applies to the entire VEFIL, which means the Child Rights- and the Second Hand- organization in Liberia as well as internationally and should be applied to by VEFIL’S employees, trainees, field students, volunteers, recruiters, board members, consultants and other people who perform work for VEFIL. The policy determines responsibilities and roles in the work to ensure that children are protected and safe within the organization. The policy is complemented by a position paper, describing VEFIL’S view on children’s right to protection and explaining how VEFIL works with this issue as a focus area in the program activities.

Please clikc here to read the Children Program Policy